Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A 100%Natural Facial Scrub

Ok,  so my crazy environmentalist/toxicologist side made me take a very dangerous venture.
 I don't know how many of you are ready for this!

 If you happen to check the ingredients behind most of your body products, you can discover many things.

 Take a look at your facial wash.

 I took a look at mine (Clean&Clear- morning burst facial cleanser), and spotted the 4 different harmful toxins.
1) Sodium laureth Sulphate (can cause malformation in children's eyes, can cause damage in the immune system, and is a carcinogen--> possibly the most dangerous of all ingredients in personal care)

2)  Methylparaben ( has estrogenic activity in human breast cancer cell structures and is banned in the E.U)

3) Propylparaben (estrogenic effects, carcinogenic)

4) Ethylparaben (estrogenic effects, carcinogenic)

                                           One word: SCARY!

Luckily, I'm an optimistic person and I love to cherish natural things. I have been using a really smooth mix of  HONEY AND SUGAR, as a great facial scrub. It makes my face feel clean, smooth and gives it an amazing glow. 

The Recipe is so easy and simple:
 It's a 1:2 ratio of honey and sugar   i.e  1 tablespoon of honey + 2 tablespoons of sugar

Step 1: mix the ingredients
Step 2: refrigerate for at least 15 minutes until it hardens slightly
Step 3: rub the mix onto your face and  gently scrub it. Do this for at least 3 minutes.
Step 4: give the scrubbing a rest and let it remain on your face for at least 15 minutes. If you can do more, why not?!
Step 5: Rinse with either luke warm, or cold water.

                  IT'S AMAZING FOOD FOR THE FACE!

I hope I didn't scare too many of you, the point is to be very observant, because the FDA approves a lot of messed up things, and being aware of our chemical exposures is one way to minimize our risks of  obtaining cancer and other health threats.


Hope you all enjoyed this post! Check out the blog for further posts. My next post insha'Allah, will be on the meaning of eating "healthy"

Sahelian Pride

For more info on the chemicals check out:  http://livinganointed.com/identifying-toxic-chemicals/harmful-carcinogenic-ingredients-in-skin-care.pdf


  1. Maybe I'm crazy, but this sounds totally normal to me. I've heard milk/cucumber is a good facial treatment combination, too.

  2. Lol you are not crazy! food for the face is amazing. I have never tried the cucumber+milk mix, but it sounds refreshing. I've tried cucumbers over my eyes, and it felt good.
